
20 Bags In 20 Days

It's been a minute. Just busy with the usual things.

This has been the winter of mild, yet persistent illness and rain. So much rain! My kids have all taken their turns missing days of school. And like Jenny from Dinner a Love Story, I'm so over comfort food!

We are having enchiladas verdes for dinner tonight in an attempt to incorporate some lighter, fresher flavors. Hello, cilantro and lime.

And because it's almost spring - spring cleaning! The beginning of February, I set out to get rid of 20 bags in 20 days. But then colds, coughs, missed school days, etc.

So I just started back today. I'm on bag #10. Outgrown and worn clothes and shoes, towels, linens, and broken toys are what make up most of the piles. FREEDOM. 

I wish this weren't so true and important for me....outer order contributes to inner calm. That saying is one of Gretchin Rubin's secrets of adulthood.

My house is generally in a state of messy. But somehow if I can keep it from being totally overloaded by stuff, I can maintain some inner calm.

{{Hugs}} to all of you. Hope to be back soon.


  1. I am so with you about order and inner calm! Hope the illnesses are long gone and the you are all beginning to feel more springlike!

  2. I absolutely agree about outer order and inner calm!! I'm pleased to know this about myself after this many years of running a house. . . you sound like you're not so pleased? I figure all the self-knowledge I can get will make my life better. . .

    1. Love knowing it....just don't love the work involved and the constantness. But I do find that it gets easier the more experience I have.


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