
Two Soups

I'm relishing January things, which for me means cleaning up and cleaning out, sitting by the fire, and making soups.  

I'm sharing two good ones today.

First, Budget Bytes' Zuppa Toscana. This was a big hit with the kids. My oldest even took the leftovers for school lunch. Look at all that gorgeous kale!

I also recommend the Pioneer Woman's veggie chili. My sister put me onto this one. I skip the corn flour - tried it, prefer without. A lot of chopping is required, so get ya a good podcast. 

Favorite toppings: goat cheese or sour cream, avocado, and cilantro. 

My kids didn't love this one as much. More for me! 


Another favorite January indulgence -- I LOVE a cold walk. Is there anything more invigorating?! We've all heard the expression, "There is no bad weather, only bad clothing." 

I have to give myself a pep talk every. single. time. But once I'm bundled up and out there...it's great. 

How do you spend your winters?



Before Christmas my mom and dad took us to Memphis to see **HAMILTION**!! 

The enthusiasm for this trip was not equally distributed among family members. 
A certain 9 y.o. boy, who shall remain nameless, would have rather stayed home and grilled squirrel. I told him we were building his character, dragging him to a nice hotel, making him eat in restaurants, etc.

"There's no such thing as fun for the whole family," a concept my mother in law once shared years ago. I think she got it from a comic strip. Truer words were never spoken.

city slickers

This was a walking trip. We parked our car on Friday night and didn't see it till departure. I loved frolicking around downtown. I feel a connection with Memphis. One of my best friends from college is from there, and I have loads of good memories going to visit her and her fam.

Stephen tried to convince me to rent a scooter. I said no I needed to practice on open land first.

I adore a glass champagne and it was double good in the lobby of the Peabody.

feeling so French

We saw the ducks and bought some surprisingly affordable souvenirs in the gift shop.

 historic motel where MLK Jr. was killed

drinks on the rooftop bar

professional photo bomber 

The show was fantastic. We've listened to the music and watched the original cast on Disney numerous times. I was worried I might be a little disappointed, but quite the opposite. I appreciated how the cast added there on whimsy and personality to the show. 

in route to the Orpheum 

The theater was gorgeous and a good time was had by all but one. 👎

It was bonus that my aunt and uncle, Lynn and Steve, could join us! We always love being with them. We're spoiled.

Thanks, Lovie and Doc for an extra large time.


Hey 2022

Where to begin? 

Happy New Year! We took down the tree and welcomed 2022 with a quiet night at home. I love this time of year. It is the perfect palete cleanser to follow the hustle of Christmas. I clean out, freshen up, and brighten all the spaces like my hair is on fire. Room by room I go. I'm reading Minimalista to get inspired. 

This is also a time for no drinking. With holiday merriment and travel behind us, it's time to rein in the booze. I trick myself by pouring fancy water into a champagne flute. A friend and I are doing a dry January together. The exception is if I go out to eat (which is rare), I can get a drink. I don't believe in extreme deprivation.

This is my favorite article about cutting back on drinking. I so relate.

My children return to school tomorrow. It's bittersweet. They can't stay here, but I will miss the days of togetherness. 

George and Laurie have had a lot of fun making comedy videos together. Some of them are actually funny.

What are you excited about this year? Tell me your dreams. 

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