
A Big ol Salad for Lunch

I love making a big ol salad for lunch. It's good and good for me! I do lots of greens, a diced tomato, a cucumber and any leftover meat, vegetables, or pasta from the night before. An herb, maybe a little grated Parmesan cheese. If I don't have meat I will boil an egg. The possibilities are endless.

Briannas Real French vinaigrette is my favorite store bought dressing. I like that there is no sugar in it. I used to make a lot of my own salad dressings and often I still do. But this one is simple and good, and it really encourages me to eat more salads.

Making a good lunch for myself is a huge morale booster. It keeps me from snacking in the afternoons.

What do you eat for lunch?

1 comment:

  1. why have I never thought of combining leftovers with a bit of salad? That is so clever!

    Lunch is any leftovers from dinner, or else popcorn plus sandwiches. I agree that lunch needs to be GOOD. If my leftovers don't look appealing, I try to do something to them to make them fresh and appetizing. Today I did something a little special: a quick, sloppy brown rice version of sushi for my kids because they (and I) love it so. Filled the rolls with avocado, cucumber, and spring onions.


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