Generally, I just felt overstimulated. So much input all the time.
Sick and tired of wasting time, I changed my FB password - too difficult to remember, and I deleted my Instagram app. At the beginning, it took some getting used too. What do I do with this dead space of time?
Well, I guess I'll just empty the dishwasher...or fold this load of clothes....and put them away. Immediately, I became more productive around the house. I did not have an excuse.
Also without my media, it became apparent how short my attention span had gotten. I needed entertainment while I was being entertained. Stephen and I would sit down to watch Band of Brothers and I would think about checking Intstagram. But oh yeah, I don't have Instagram. It was relaxing to sit there and do one thing, watch TV.
The first Saturday I was off social media, I was more productive than I ever have been on a weekend. I cleaned I cooked I exercised. Typically, I have psychological problems with weekends. Stephen is off so that makes me "off" too. Wrong, moms are never off. Not having a tiny computer in my hand really freed me to get up and get going.
Another huge benefit, I started relishing taking care of my children. I looked them in the eye more often. When I brushed Laurie's hair or gave George a bath, I took my time and studied their little features. I began really enjoying caring for them. I gave more thought to preparing their meals and making their plates pretty and appealing. I was not neglecting them before, but now I'm delighting in them more. Because there's nothing else to do!!! In a good way.
"The human heart is an idol factory," - John Calvin
I know that my heart can easily fixate on something else, other distractions that are just as devious. Be it reading or exercise, blogs, online shopping, etc. Anything can become an idol, take up too much time, and distract us from the important work and people before us. I/you/we have to be on guard. But there is a unique danger in social media (or time spent online in general). It's so easy and accessible. It does not require much brain power on my part to scroll through news feeds. It's entertaining and addictive.
So here is my conclusion: get on and get off. I still have Facebook and Instagram accounts. But I've changed the way I'm using them. I sign in, use it, engage, comment, share a laugh....and then I sign out. With Instagram, I just download and delete the app maybe one day a week. It's so freeing.
The other morning I realized it was 9:00 a.m. and I had no idea where my phone was. I didn't need it. I had not even checked my e-mail or even thought about it. I had been up for three hours. I was alone with my thoughts, my children, and my housework. It makes me feel old fashioned. I loved it.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1
{pics of life lately around our house}
I don't know if I can do it, but this inspires me to want to try!! Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteI love these posts. Sooo encouraging. I can't put my finger on why social media is so addictive, but, for me at least, I think it's just another "thing" to try and find satisfaction in. It won't quench my thirst, and it surely didn't die for me. These hearts of ours…so prone to wander. Thanks for the inspiration and good thoughts. Your blog is such a breath of fresh air!!
ReplyDeleteI love this post, too! What a great reminder .... Your pictures are so sweet!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the picture of Laurie putting the puzzle together on the wicker chair. It could win a photo contest for composition and nostalgia. Aunt Lauren
ReplyDeleteso encouraging - thank you for sharing this. I need a way to put on the brakes sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI love this!! Thank you!!