
Homework + Coffee + Fridays!

Hello out there!

It's Friday. And I love Fridays because I (we) have no homework. Whoop whoop!

First grade stepped it up in the HW department and no, it's not that much and Stephen is a smart kid. But, it's one more thing. I make coffee it.

Friday is like a deep breathe for me. No lunch preparations, no homework, no pressure to get to bed early.

I've been trying to grocery shop during the week so that I have Saturdays at home or to run fun errands.... like going to Earth Fare for coffee and a muffin. My mom and I did this the first week she was here after Caroline was born, and I just keep going back. I love the way the store smells. And they have $0.99 baguettes.


Caroline continues to be a great baby and her nursery is still the best...so conveniently located right next to my bed.


There are so many ways I'm having to adjust to life with four kids. Having "big" kids, one in real school, and a newborn - it's a lot. But it's also so much fun! I love the mom job. God has called me to do exactly what I've always wanted to do. And that is such a gift.


And oh fall, y'all. It's slowly but surely making its way to the deep South.

Soups, fires, long sleeved t's - they are just around the corner!

Have a great weekend! Be back soon, I hope.

1 comment:

  1. I love Fridays for the same reasons!! And even thought my big 4th-grader now gets homework on the weekends, she's turned into responsible-independent-big girl and I don't usually have to do anything with it.

    I also adore Saturday mornings because no one has to be dressed to be somewhere on time!!! Bliss. It's one of the reasons I strenuously object to any Saturday morning activities.


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