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How was your weekend?!

Ours was nice and low key. We are having such an easy going summer. It's all good except for kids fighting with each other. Advice?! Most of the time I have no clue how to break it up.

Friday night, Stephen and I watched Lifeboat, directed by Alfred Hitchcock and based on a story by John Steinbeck. I love old movies, especially anything Hitchcock. This one did not disappoint.

Also, I made this cake to share with our new neighbors but then we ate it all!

Recently, I washed and dried a huge load of good clothes with a construction grade permanent marker. It ruined so many things. Mildly tragic. I ordered a few items to replace what was lost. This star-print chambray dress from Old Navy was one of the replacement goodies. 100% cotton. Love it.


I thought this was interesting - Dirty Little Secrets of Tidy Families

We are majorly into construction paper crafts lately. Sometime soon I think it would be fun to make this Galaxy Far Away.


  1. That pound cake looks delicious. And I loved the tidy family article. Lately, I've been intrigued by small house/less stuff living. Two years ago we doubled our square footage when we moved, and I desperately miss our old home some days. Life was simple in that house!

  2. So sorry about the marker. That happens to me and I don't have the excuse of a big family and kids. It is "mildly tragic," but the fact that something like this is one of our "tragedies" is a good thing, I suppose. Love Laurie's replacement dress and love seeing how tall Stephen is (and so handsome!), and the pound cake looks amazing.


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