Summer, you were good to us.
I know we technically have until September 21st to call summer, but school started today, and so summer vacation has come to a close. We had a full and happy time. Our cup runneth over.
We swam. We grew tomatoes. We camped. We beached.
Stephen and I had a kid sabbatical with all 4 of them gone for a week!
This next season of life is going to be different. First of all, I will not be homeschooling any of my children for the first time in 3 years. Last year, I had George with me. I treasure that year and all the one on one time we had together.
They will all be at the same school. Hallelujah! This has never happened before. My game face is on for carpool, packed lunches, homework, after school sports, and early bedtimes.
I am so excited for us. I think it's going to be a really fun season.
Also, different about this year...we are having a BABY, a girl, in October.
Looks like we bought ourselves 18 more years.
This baby is a bonus baby, a family baby. I'm sure when she arrives we won't be able to imagine life before...just like with all the others.
Caroline is thrilled to be a big sister! When she was born, my oldest was her age, going into 1st grade.
I write this post hoping and wishing that I might resurrect my blog in this next chapter. With school age kids gone for the day and a baby at home, I'm craving a outlet. A few of you flatter me and tell me you've missed it (SWM). You've mentioned that you occasionally refer back to old posts. What a compliment!
With the trend down in blogging + having older kids, it is a challenge to write. Most days I've used up all my brain power. Blogging was easier with little kids. Not sure why.
I leave you with a belly pic. My friend, Caroline, snapped this of me on the 4th of July. She said, "I bet you don't have many pictures of yourself pregnant with your 5th child."
She's right. Thank you, Caroline!
Okay, that's all for now.
See ya later.
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