
Celebrating Fall in Small Ways

Seasonal living is good, clean fun. If you're a mom, you are most likely the gatekeeper of all your family traditions and celebrations. But there's a down side. It can get real expensive real fast.

Pumpkins are as much as $15-$20 apiece some places (and my kids think they each deserve their own). There's Halloween costumes - of course everyone wants a new one even though we have buckets of costumes!

The fair costs $1 million.
There's wardrobe updates.
Gourds ain't free.

I like it, but I don't like losing control of my budget! I've learned to embrace seasons in subtler (aka cheaper) ways.

Looking around my house today, it felt very fall-ish. For the first time it's not 99.9 degrees outside. There's a breeze in the air. The light is different.

Here's a couple of snapshots of how I'm celebrating fall in small ways, using restraint, and using what I have.

1. Aldi mums $4 each

2. Walmart mini pumpkins $2.98

3. Earl Grey Tea (from my tea stash)

4. fall nails , Essie drive-in and dine  (bought last year)

5. Pumpkin bread - I feel like I'm cheating on old faithful, but I usually make this recipe now. It's so orange and delicious. 

How's fall treating you?

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  1. So glad to see you blogging again! Yes, fall can break the bank. You are a wise woman. My favorite fall tea is the Tazo wild sweet orange—so good!

  2. I like your ideas! Every season can get expensive when you want to do it all. I don't know about yours, but our Goodwill has tons of costumes. I home schooled and my boys wore costumes nearly every day for fun (cowboys, army guy, Daniel Boone, Redcoat, civil war, mostly historic) so come Halloween, they didn't see the big deal of costumes - lol. I bought mums and planted them in the ground. They come up every year so I don't need to buy them again. A few touches here and there and some delicious fall baked goods and you're good to go!

  3. Oh, you made me laugh!!

    I haven't bought any mums this year, and we got some pumpkins free from a neighbor. Every fall, I change the pillow covers in the living room, get out the fuzzy throws, and put the candles back out. Since I cook seasonally, I do start making the pumpkin stuff when the local pumpkins show up in market. Our little splurge this year was killing ourselves laughing when we deliberately got pumpkin spice lattes - we'd heard so much about them and realized we'd never had them! Great family outing (not exactly CHEAP, though! Sheesh, with the fancy drinks!)


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