I don't find myself here too often, but yesterday was dark, one of those times in which you can't even think of a good idea to pull yourself out of your breakdown.
When my husband decisively volunteered to make eggs for the kids for dinner, I felt the beginnings of the signs that I was going to live again. Things were turning...
His alleviating one small burden gave me back the ability to think.
And I declared a laundry party for later that evening. The whole family would pitch in and do our ginormous laundry together.
These "parties" are always met with griping and complaining, but the hardest part is starting. Once the first dish towel gets folded, the momentum gets going, and the laundry is done and put away before we know it. Even Caroline can walk her clothes to her bedroom! And she delights to do so.
These pictures are from a few weeks ago before our family went on a little beach vacation. We had a laundry party and then everyone packed their own bag for our trip (except for the 2 y.o.).
Sometimes delegating and dividing up the housework can be one more thing to manage and oversee. But sometimes it brings a great deal of relief. It's all trial and error. Laundry parties are working right now and I only see more in our future.
What about you? How do you divide the labor in your home?
'cause a laundry party don't stop! I'm ashamed to admit that there is very little labor division in our home. I've succeeded in raising a principito, but I really hope do things differently with my littler one. My husband rarely did anything "housework" related before our second child came along. He does a lot more at home now. I like the idea of a laundry party!