
Cook Once, Eat Twice

This week, I have been totally overwhelmed by the day to day. I can't catch up! Food, laundry, mothering. I've been reactive, not proactive.

Late yesterday afternoon, I took action. I cleared our schedule, made a list, and reminded my kids that I am in charge. One step at a time, I'm taking back the reins on life!

At the top of the list- food. The shopping, preparing, cooking, serving, and clean up of food is a massive assignment for a family of six - or any size family for that matter. It is not optional. It is a job that must get done.

I have given myself tons of grace throughout the past 6 months since Caroline was born. But now I'm ready to re-vamp my plan.

There is peace in a plan.

I'm starting a series of posts about food, grocery shopping, cooking, and good home cook kitchen habits. I'm learning as I go. Please weigh in with your secrets, tips, and tricks. There is always something new to learn in the kitchen!


Today, my first piece of advice to you -- to myself -- is cook once, eat twice. If I'm going to the trouble to get out the crock pot, dice, chop, stir, and measure, then I might as well get the most bang for my buck!

Yesterday, I made of all things - chicken casseroles. I never do casseroles anymore. But I did yesterday, and I made two. One for last night and one for my freezer.

Tonight, I'm making lentil soup. I'm making a double batch. That will give me two meals in my food bank, a chicken casserole and a batch of soup. Oh yeah, baby.

Cook once, eat twice.

I would like to build up enough of a supply in my food bank to completely take one night off a week from cooking or dealing with food (besides heating it up)!

chicken casserole

the meat off 1 Rotisserie chicken
juice of half a lemon
1 can cream of chicken soup
8 oz sour cream
salt to taste

1/2 stick butter
1 sleeve Ritz crackers

white rice

Combine first 5 ingredients. Melt butter and mix in crushed crackers. Pour chicken mixture in 8 X 8 dish, top with crackers. Bake on 350 for 30 minutes. Serve over white rice.

Double the recipe!


  1. I will enjoy this series, I know! I do as much batch cooking as possible, like you described. I actually have 2 small chest freezers in addition to the fridge freezer and that is such a huge help.

    When my family asks what's for lunch, I have learned not to say "leftovers" but to say "food in the fridge." This cuts way down on waste and expenses because I don't buy lunch meat and chips, etc for lunches, but just use the bits and pieces left from suppers.

  2. Sounds delicious! Planning to steal next week when I bring frozen meals to friends with new babies!!

  3. oooh! I'm going to love this series - am in a transitional stage and need all the help I can get!

  4. Love this. I do the same thing with PW's sour cream noodle bake. I'm not about to messy a fry pan for 1lb. of beef.

  5. Cooking since he was 8 years of age, he now cooks all of his family's meals and enjoys using a lot of different types of cookware. pots and pans set


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