
Avoiding Burnout in the Kitchen: Prepackaged Snacks

My life revolves around feeding people, and it is a full time job! Most of you are in the same situation.

Not pictured: nuts - any kind

For years, I've worked to wean us off processed snacks. They are expensive and most often less nutritious than homemade foods.

And truth be told, I genuinely prefer whole, real foods.

But to everything there is a season. And this is a season for some grab and go, prepackaged snacks.

Yes, a little pricey, but I call this my "hired help" in the kitchen. These snacks (and paper plates) are the reason I still have a soul.

I save my homemade food energy for dinners.


These pictured are some of the things I usually send in my kids' school lunches. I pass them out for breakfasts if we are in a hurry or if I had a bad night. I use them for walks, letting George eat in the stroller, keeping him from getting restless.

From after school snacks to a quick lunch for myself, these goodies are getting me through Caroline's babyhood and the adjustment to the school years. A couple of them actually are whole, real foods. And all are from Costco (of course).


What's your favorite prepackaged, no prep required snack?


  1. Those fig bars are the only reason I have any ounce of sanity left. Also natural beef or turkey jerky, cheese sticks, fruit, and I just discovered Annie's granola bars which we call "bunny bars." Amen for prepackaged food!

    1. Ha ha ha! Love it. My kids are crazy for those fig bars!

  2. Good for you SB - don't want you losing your soul or your sanity!!!!!

  3. ha - love the idea of "hired help" in the kitchen! My best friend and I love to complain about how our (nonexistent) Amish maids are falling down on the job when our houses are messy and the dishes are dirty.

    I always keep a box of granola bars around - whatever is on sale. And always apples, although my kids tend to like them cut up so that requires my help. And always a box of graham crackers. If there's time for prep, I break them into a dish of applesauce or spread them with peanut butter.

  4. Great ideas.

    Mozzarella sticks, fresh fruit, raisins in little boxes, yogurt squeeze sticks (which I often keep frozen), pita chips, and Cheezits-it crackers (also all from Costco!)

    Kim from Philadelphia

  5. greek yogurt, string cheese, breakfast biscuits (umm, cookies), raisins, and those pureed fruit & veggie squeezes

  6. I love the Annie's snack mix (cheddar and pretzels), but always end up eating it myself too! The boys love kids Cliff bars for breakfast if we are in a hurry. They like the Stonyfield smoothies too but they have a lot of sugar (I think like 30 plus grams), so I try to save for a "treat". Of course, I make brownies and cookies all the time, and I am sure they have more sugar, but for some reason that doesn't bother me, ha!!

    1. I'm the same way! I'm fine with homemade sweets. But I kinda cringe when I give them something sugary and prepackaged. Of course, I do it....to get by (for now).


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