
Had to Have It, But Didn't Really Need It

In August, we moved into a new house and completely re-did the kitchen. It's so wonderful. I love it. Half the time I'm in there I'm saying to myself - I can't believe this is my kitchen! 

There are still some finishing touches that need to be done, hardware on the drawers and cabinets and the cabinetry needs to be finished above the refrigerator. But who are we kidding, I'm married to a builder which means we will probably get to it in 5 years. The cobbler's children have no shoes!

We intentionally left the cabinets above the fridge undone because we thought we would be buying a new refrigerator, preferably stainless steal. I actually thought we would buy one before we moved in the house. I felt like I had to have a new refrigerator because the black one that came with the house just would not do.... from a decorative standpoint. I thought it was a deal breaker, a non negotiable expense. Because what's the point of having a brand new kitchen and an old, black fridge?

Well, for three reasons:
It is in perfectly good condition.
We already own it.
We maxed out our renovation budget before we got to the fridge purchase.

So we put it off. And over time, the ol' black fridge has grown on me. What I thought I had to a have, a stainless steel new-to-me fridge, is really no longer necessary. In fact, I like the imperfectness of it. My house does not need to be perfect.We are a real family, not one in a magazine.

This whole thing has been a good reminder in contentment, in waiting, and in making do...because what we have is more than fine.

Also, it is a reminder that in most cases what I think is a need is really a want.

In the same vein, I thought this blog post was so refreshing...
Five Ways to Be More Content This Holiday Season by Life as Mom


  1. Agreed. A good life lesson for us all.

    I love your coffee station!
    - Kim from Philadelphia

  2. Oh I agree about the coffee station. It's adorable and perfect for you. I can't wait to see your house!!

  3. I think this post calls for a house tour!!! :)

  4. And a stainless steel refrigerator is almost impossible to keep clean! Once it has a smear (of anything--even water on it), you need a special cleaner to remove it. Pretty--but a lot of trouble!!!

  5. Yes...such a perfect post.. I think, when we get everything we want at one time, it doesn't give us the pleasure of waiting for the next thing. And we so appreciate it,when we have to wait to get it..I think your black fridge is great!!! [when you do get the stainless steel...it will be super special.ha].
    Can't wait to see a tour of your house.. SO happy your enjoying it..

  6. Has Stephen ever told you about the ancient, gold double-door fridge he helped me paint white (he was about 12)?


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