
Happy New Year + Book Recommendation

Happy New Year!

This is not a typical New Year's Day post, but I just have to tell you about the best book I'm pages away from finishing.

Killing Kennedy by Bill O'reilly and Martin Dugard, an utterly fascinating read! There is so much history packed in and it's not sensationalized or muddled with conspiracy theories. It's just the facts....the juicy details of the Kennedy White House. FASCINATING.

I found this picture on Pinterest and one Pinner said they have this photo hanging in their entry way and people always complement it. I totally want to copy this idea. Maybe not my entry way...but laundry room or somewhere more discreet. I love weird, iconic art.

What do you think?

What's the best book you read in 2013?


  1. Just wanted to say I'm glad you came back to the blog when you found a focus that fit well. I've never commented but have been reading for a while, and I really appreciate hearing your voice and outlook. The recent weekly grocery budget post was really helpful! (Also, this is older, but your beef and broccoli is a regular at my house. I could never get stir fry right before I read your recipe.) Thanks for the blog and happy new year!

  2. I loved and hated The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt all at the same time. So glad I read it, so glad it was over but was kind of sad when it was over. One of those....

  3. mmmm, I'm a hugely fascinated by the Kennedy's, so I might have to check this out. I just finished a biography of Julia Child, so I'm reading/watching related things. Fun, but not the best book of 2013.

    This year I've been reading and savoring some Joanna Trollope novels my mom gave me. I learn so much about relationships! And she's a fantastic writer.

  4. Killing Kennedy looks great. Love a good biography. I just finished How People Change by Paul David Tripp and Tim Lane. Really interesting and helpful. I've been wanting to read a good fiction book but can never make-up my mind which to pick! I'm going to follow this post.

  5. I'm finishing up two books (the majority of both were read in 2013, so that counts, right?) that are helping me prepare for my next chapter/ministry in my life: "Journey to the Fatherless" and "Orphanology". I'm working on a post about these two books as I'm finishing them.
    V. has begun the Elsie Dinsmore collection and is adoring these books! M. is working his way through the Bobbsey Twin series.


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