
Summer Routine

It's summer and I'm taking the bull by the horns. We have a serious routine mapped out. I'm not even going to pretend that I'm laid back about it. It is my survival. My life.

It starts out strict and gets looser as the day goes on.

It goes like this.

wake up/ listen to music/ eat breakfast
get dressed
older kids do their school review work - Yes, we are doing some learning during the summer.
reading/ memory work
play/ run an errand/ go to pool or park
1:00 - rest time/ baby sleeps/ older kids read or play quietly and alone
2:00 - TV/ snack
3:00  play FREE TIME until dinner

This may fail, but so far it's really good. This routine gives me a quiet house for about an hour each day, something that did not work with the school schedule and left me feeling really burned out.

Also, quiet rest time was a challenge to get started, but now everybody knows what to expect.

If anybody asks me to watch TV before the hour of 2pm, my answer is this.

I'm thinking of incorporating some chores when we get more established.

Also, we have VBS and we will go out of town some. But on a regular day we have a plan!

Does your family have a summer routine?


  1. SB, I just busted out laughing at the Hell Naw. 😂 We have quiet time here, too. I like to call it "sanity refueling" for me. It's the one thing I'm super strict and adamant about.

  2. hooray for a summer routine!!! And I laughed at method of no!!! A summer routine saved my BUTT when I figured it out finally! It's mainly for the big kids - they have to be up and dressed and eaten breakfast by 9am. Then they do chores and practice piano. They can play until lunch. After lunch is nap for Phoebe, so quiet time for them or at least don't bother me because I will be hitting the computer hard for my freelance editing. Sometimes their grandmother takes them to the pool. I might try to figure out if I can get Phoebe to take her nap at the pool while I drag my laptop along to edit. My big rule, actually for always, is that chores must be done first before play or outings or else a specific time agreed upon by mom and kid. I am super-firm about it.


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