Well, hello there. May is/was CRAZY. The calendar was full, and my head was spinning with so many details about end of year school year schedules and celebrations. And then there was business as usual at home - laundry, meals, etc.
I'm glad the "storm" is over, and summer has officially begun!
We have few plans since I'm nearing what Michael Scott calls "the terminal stages of her pregnancy."
Almost 28 weeks!
Our agenda - Bible school, swimming, reading, visiting grandparents, crafting, playing with friends and eating Popsicles. Oh, and potty training. Can't forget that. Knowing we had another child to potty train, we installed these toilet seats when we moved into our new house. I shudder to think about the plastic, portable toddler potties.
(side note: Stephen cannot take a picture for love or money right now. Six year old boy problems, I guess. This was from muffins with mom. Best he could do. Promise he wasn't miserable.)
I'm excited about this summer because my kids are in great stages. They are really turning a corner. Their attention spans are getting longer and their imaginations are on fire these days.
They can play and play and play.
Mostly, they are content to stay at home and be in their own little "worlds." Stephen and Laurie will often retreat to their rooms for half hours at a time and pour over maps (Stephen) or play candy store or cupcake shop (Laurie).
George is winning most days with a 3 hour nap. He's gotta get his beauty sleep.
We've had a big project in progress for the past couple of months, re-building our backyard. When we moved in, there was a pool, which Stephen filled in right away. This spring, we (and by we I mean Stephen) have finally gotten around to putting down five dump truck loads of dirt and sod.
It's not done, but what we've got is beautiful!
Next project, the baby's room. We have a small office/closet off the master bedroom that will work perfectly as a nursery.
I'm mostly using what I have to decorate, artwork and an extra crib I'm borrowing from my sister. I ordered a changing table, and now I need to come up with an idea for window treatments.
We don't know if we're having a boy or a girl. We love the surprise! And with 6 years of parenting under our belt, we are humbled enough to not even take a guess. We have no clue. But when we do know, I'm hoping I can get my cousin to make a quilt like one of these.
On Stephen's last day of kindergarten we celebrated with a Little Ceaser's $5 hot and ready. Can I get an AMEN?
He had a fantastic school year. We love his school. It far exceeds what I could ever dream up for my children's education. They have this quote on the website -
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."- William Butler Yeats
I love that.
Three cheers for summer!
Such darling children you have.